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Chadiesh N, Jishnu BT, Tupaki-Sreepurna A, Ramanan R, Thanneru V, Kindo AJ. Aspergillus quadrilineatus infection in an elderly debilitated patient. J Acad Clin Microbiol 2017; 19 (1):62-65.
We report a case of Aspergillus quadrilineatus isolated from post-tracheostomy bronchial wash sample of an 85-year-old hypertensive male admitted in the Intensive Care Unit with subarachnoid haemorrhage and low Glasgow Coma Scale score. Although the patient had a history of nasal infection and was symptomatic at the time of admission, the radiological findings were non-specific and included pulmonary infiltrates. This could be the first probable case of invasive infection by A. quadrilineatus reported from India. The patient was treated successfully with Itraconazole and was discharged after recovery from his illness.
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Verweij PE, Varga J, Houbraken J, Rijs AJ, Verduynlunel FM, Blijlevens NM, et al. Emericella quadrilineata as cause of invasive aspergillosis. Emerg Infect Dis 2008;14:566-72.