Citation Information :
Thakar VH, Dalal B, Maushami, Modak M. Cryptococcus neoformans: Need to consider in the differential diagnosis of acute bronchopneumonia in acquired immunodeficiency syndrome. 2014; 16 (2):81-83.
The most common presentation of Cryptococcus infection in immunocompromised patients is meningitis. Here, we report a patient with acquired immunodeficiency syndrome who developed pulmonary cryptococcosis due to infection with a poorly capsulated C. neoformans. Poorly capsulated strains of C. neoformans have been reported from HIV sero-positive patients. Patient had no history of any underlying chronic lung infection. Chest X-ray showed bilateral inhomogeneous haziness in middle and lower zones suggestive of acute bronchopneumonia. Diagnosis was based on culture findings and detection of cryptococcal capsular antigen by latex agglutination test. Unfortunately, patient died due to lack of clinical suspicion and delay in systemic antifungal treatment. This case highlights the importance of pulmonary cryptococcosis as a differential diagnosis while treating acute bronchopneumonia in immunocompromised hosts.
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